Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Youth Clubs and Globalization

I think the creation and development of youth clubs in order to preserve the right of young single men towards the marriageable women of the city is an interesting response to a problem.
What makes it interesting to me is that the development would and could never happen in a modern First world country today. Taking away the feminist movement and the equal rights that everyone shares now, the youth clubs would still never be resorted to.
The lack of mobility that people as a whole had to deal with during the the Medieval period and into the Renaissance era had a extreme influence on their lives. Where ever someone was born had a large effect on many different outcomes of their life, including potential marriage candidates. A problem that would not ever reveal itself during modern times because of the increased mobility options, not only with increased physical mobility with cars, trains, plains and other means of transportation but also the game changer that is the Internet. Those changes make the fear of only having a limited number of marriage candidates and the response of the youth clubs null, at least in the first world.
This is one of the many differences between medieval times and modern era, and one that many people probably don't think about when looking at the contrasts between the two time periods.

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